A list of tips & advice that we wish we knew when starting HG
(I wanted to put a post out on the facebook page or other places where experienced HG pilots can give the 3-5 best pieces of advice they could give new pilots, or things they wish they knew when they started)
- Wheels on the base-bar will probably save you and your glider multiple times
- Landing in zero wind is a LOT faster than landing in a headwind
- If someone is giving you a ride to launch, don't be late (and don't forget your gear)
- You'll either learn early to get to the LZ with altitude to spare, or you'll learn the hard way
- A pod harness (zipper up the front) is easier to start with than a cocoon harness
- Being on the ground and wishing you were flying is 100% better than being in the air and wishing you were on the ground (Don't fly in bad conditions)
- At Hull Mountain, if you aren't in lift, be heading towards the LZ
- If you just landed and other gliders are behind you, move out of the LZ
- Don't get into a situation where you're rushing prior to launch. The thing you forget might kill you
- Count and log ALL your hours/flights when you start flying. Getting to H2 and H3 rely on it